face covered by acne

How to Treat Acne

Healthy skin is as a result of good and diet and proper care. A poorly taken care skin will have black spots, pimples and will look dehydrated. Here are several home remedies for acne.

Gentle Cleansing

A homemade solution composed of natural honey, cider vinegar, coconut oils is used. Washing affected area with warm water first then applying the answer to the affected area and leave it for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly and gently and let it dry.

Repeat these twice daily for useful results. Acne found around your hair will require special shampoo made of coconut oil and cider vinegar. Application of coconut oil on the affected parts will give positive results.

acne affected face

Proper Ph. Balance

Do toning to restore skin balance by use of cider vinegar that contains potassium, magnesium and acetic acid which kills bacteria affecting the skin. Use cotton wool to apply cider vinegar on the affected parts and other areas prone to acne even if not affected for future prevention.

Hydrate Skin

This is done by covering the skin by masks to hydrate it. There are homemade recipes for this. Mix a teaspoon of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey then apply on the face or affected area and leave it to dry then later wipe with a warm damp cloth gently. Application of tea tree oil is also considered useful if applied separately or together with the solution.

Tea tree oil used to fight bacteria and fungi. A mixer of 8 teaspoons of tea tree oil and a teaspoonful of coconut then applying to the affected areas will give good results. Discontinue if the application affects the skin.

Sweet and holy basil are excellent remedies for fighting bacteria that cause acne. Application of these to the skin will act as a toner and will be an adequate home remedy for acne.

Good Diet, Exfoliate and Protect your Skin

Eat foods that do not cause blood sugar. Green vegetables and fruits are recommended. Avoid processed and refined foods. This is one way of treating acne from the inside.

Direct sunlight rays for an extended period exposes skin to rashes. Get appropriate sunlight only. Do not use commercial sunscreens as most of them contain chemical sensitive to skin and can result in irritation.

Do skin scrubbing to open clogged pores and dead skin as these help in the development of acne. Sea salt and or brown sugar combined with coconut oil and the mixture applied on the skin in a circular motion on the affected parts will work out. Then rinse gently for useful results.…

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